Zoo-Med Reptisun LED Replacement Module RM-10

Sale price£22.99
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The Zoo-Med ReptiSun LED Replacement Module RM-10 is a versatile and energy-efficient lighting component for reptile enclosures. This module is designed as a replacement part for existing Zoo-Med ReptiSun LED lighting systems, ensuring your setup continues to provide the essential light needed for the health and well-being of your reptilian pets. The RM-10 model features bright, long-lasting LED lights that emit a spectrum suitable for both plant growth and the visibility of reptiles. Its ease of installation and compatibility with Zoo-Med's lighting systems make it a convenient choice for pet owners. The LED technology not only offers significant energy savings but also ensures a durable and low-maintenance lighting solution for a variety of reptile habitats.

Replacement LED Module for all Reptisun terrariums Hoods. Features; Four 1 watt, 6500K High Output daylight LEDs, Two .05 watt, 620 nm Red LEDs provide correct wavelengths for photosynthesis & live plant growth and One 60 milliwatt Blue LED simulates “Lunar Effect” and provides for nighttime viewing.

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