Afterburner Chalice Coral Colony

Sale price£160.00
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The Afterburner Chalice Coral Colony is a stunning and colourful addition to any reef aquarium. This Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral is known for its vibrant, eye-catching colours and unique pattern, resembling a vivid underwater tapestry. Perfect for intermediate to advanced reef keepers, it adds a splash of dynamic beauty to your aquatic landscape.

This coral variety thrives under moderate to high lighting conditions and prefers low to moderate water flow, mimicking its natural reef environment. Its care requirements include stable water parameters and occasional feeding of planktonic foods or fine coral foods to maintain its health and enhance its colouration.

Adding an Afterburner Chalice Coral Colony to your tank not only enhances the visual appeal but also contributes to the ecological diversity of your marine setup. It's a spectacular choice for aquarists seeking to create a captivating and vibrant reef display.


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